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Imagine for a minute: making more in a month than an entire year of your corporate job. Or how about making more in one day than your previous six years combined?
All of this is possible for you. How do I know? Because I did it. Repeatedly. I continue to crush anything I ever made in corporate through my online coaching business.
Considering we used to be overdrawn in our checkbook by $600+ every paycheck, we’d dig through couch cushions for change to buy milk, were on a first name basis with the pawn shop where we pawned the lawn mower every month to make rent, and were slaves to payday loans…the financial freedom we experience now is unreal. All because I took a chance at working towards my dreams and not somebody else’s. They say that you can either be an entrepreneur or work for one. I choose the former 100% of the time.

I’m in the world’s tallest building – the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. I’ve been to 21 countries in the last 18 months!
Don’t get me wrong, making a lot of money online is no walk in the park (unless maybe it’s Jurassic Park?) and not everyone has what it takes. It takes grit, tenacity, unwavering perseverance, and an Olympian level of discipline. I’m not saying you’ve got to Gary Vaynerchuk your biz 365 days of the year…maybe 300.
Know that it is completely possible to change the entire trajectory of your life and build generational wealth by putting in the work now. If you are unsure of what you’d like to do, I’ve come up with a list of ideas for making money online. And if you’re looking for quick ways to make money, check out this article on 37 ways to make $100 fast from my friends at My Millennial Guide.
10 Brilliant Ways to Make Money Online
Since 2010, I’ve been a coach. I started helping anyone and their grandma on their fitness journey and helped them launch and scale their coaching businesses. This was done through an MLM, and a couple of years ago I left to sell my own products and services. I strictly help women launch and scale their online businesses now, and make considerably more money as a solo operation. Coaching can be done virtually via Skype, in person (such as during an intensive), 1:1, and with groups. You can get daily tips on launching and scaling your coaching biz by listening to my podcast, Turning Coaches into Millionaires Radio.
While coaching helps you show your expertise by helping others, not everyone wants to work 1:1 or with groups of people. Some prefer the autonomy of creating courses for people to learn on their own. Courses can be taught on just about any subject – from crafts to playing the piano and anything in-between. Some of the courses I’ve created are about growing your Facebook business page by 10,000 in less than a week using Facebook ads, launching a coaching business, and money mindset.
Virtual Assistant
Being a virtual assistant can be a fun way to make money online, too! Here are examples of what I’ve had my virtual assistants do:
– make graphics and templates in Canva
– format my eBook
– manage my social media scheduling
– create my sales funnels
– handle billing
– manage emails
– run ads
These are just examples – you will want to evaluate your skillset and learn as much as you can before offering to help a business with these things. The great thing about this is it’s almost like freelance work so you can work with many different business owners at the same time.
I’ve been blogging for about six years now and make a good income and get to work with some of the biggest brands in the world. Brands like Amazon, Samsung, Best Buy, Walmart, and more. However, if you start blogging with the intention of making money, know that it takes a long time to build up your blog to the point where it’s making a full-time income. Content is king, and unless you’ve got a ton of content already created, you’ll be spending a lot of time building that up first.
Copywriter or Copy Editor

Taking a break from the writing workshop at the Riomaggiore Castle in Cinque Terre
One of my favorite copywriters of all time is Laura Belgray. She created The Copy Cure with Marie Forleo, and I attended her writing workshop in Italy last summer. While I’m a pretty good writer, I’ve realized that sometimes…it pays to just hire it out. A copywriter like Laura can get in my head and extract the exact things I’m unable to articulate. If this is something you’re great at – consider it!
Content Creator
Sometimes, content creators are referred to as influencers. If you’re great at social media and can promote brands in a non-spammy way, this is a great option for you. The key is to storytell!

Here’s an example of an image I created for JORD Watches

Another example of content I created for Kohl’s and Cuddl Duds
Online Business Manager (OBM)
Most entrepreneurs are very creative and by default, aren’t great at organization. An OBM can help entrepreneurs with systems and structures to help things run smoothly. This can range from actual business support, creating procedures, managing your team, and automating your sales process.
Launch Strategist
Launching a new product or service takes a lot of work. There are so many different elements involved, including sales funnels, affiliates, production, and more. A launch strategist helps put all of these ducks in a nice little row, helping entrepreneurs know exactly what to do next, or how to fix kinks in the system. I joke that I don’t have ducks, or a row. I’ve got squirrels on a trampoline!
Event Planner
Having just held my own conference for the first time, I swore up-and-down multiple times I’d never, ever do it again. Some crazy people actually enjoy planning events for entrepreneurs and handle all of the logistics, working with vendors, securing venues, handling ticket sales, etc. If this is you, please – have at it. Help save the sanity of entrepreneurs who are trying to do it all on their own.

Enjoying conversation during lunch with attendees of my first conference I hosted
Ghost Writer
As a very busy coach, I don’t always have time to write the content that I want to. A ghost writer can write things like eBooks, blog posts, and physical books. They can also write what’s called PLR content, which can be sold to others as their own.
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