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Yes, it’s October. That means winter is just right around the corner. If you’re a homeowner, there are a few simple projects/chores to complete before bad weather gets here. Let’s face it, the weather seems to be getting worse every year, so make sure that your house is ready for the wild weather that might appear. Here are four winter projects for homeowners to tackle.

Check the gutters
This is one chore that everyone forgets to do, but it’s super simple. I’m telling you now so you don’t forget. The gutters of your home are responsible for ensuring that the rainwater is removed and placed into the drains. If your gutters are blocked, you might run the risk of damp getting in. If you don’t like heights, hire a gutter cleaning service to clear away anything that might be causing a blockage. It is a good idea to get this done once a year, especially in the spring when the weather is good and you can remove anything that has flown in over the winter months.
Check your drains
As water is being taken away from your house, there is a chance that the drains become blocked. There can be a lot down the drains that you don’t know about until the water flow becomes too much. It is only when the content of the drains comes back up that you discover there is a problem. Get the drains checked out before they shock you with some nasty surprises. You can help avoid blockages in the drains by not flushing things that you shouldn’t and tossing things that you shouldn’t flush. Even if a wipe is “flushable” it can still wreak havoc at the sewage treatment facility — just toss ’em.
Put your yard stuff away
I don’t know about you, but we seem to accumulate a lot of stuff in the yard over the summer. This can be toys, trampolines, furniture, or garden tools. Basically, if it can be brought inside, it should be. This might mean collapsing things down and changing things around. If you have a garage, you should clear a spot for the yard stuff to sit until the weather is good enough to bring it out again. The last thing you need is your trampoline disappearing down the road when the wind picks up. This can be annoying but it is better than losing the stuff in your yard.
Service your HVAC & other systems
In modern houses, there is a chance that you have multiple ways to heat your home. This is the time of the year to make sure that they are all working properly. Many HVAC companies offer discounted services to tune your HVAC system if you also have them take care of your A/C in the spring.
You might also need to get a plumber out to check the pipes at this time. Our local company has heating, AC, electricians, and plumbers under one roof so they tend to all come out to service at the same time. You might also need to get someone out to sweep the chimneys. It is also a good idea to check the amount of fuel that you have so that you don’t run out in the middle of a cold snap. Not only is this a good idea to make sure that they work properly so that they don’t break suddenly, but it will also ensure that your heating systems are safe and pose no risk to your family.
Whatever it is that you need to do, make sure it is completed before the weather changes. The last thing you need is for your heat to go out during a cold snap when everyone else is calling the HVAC company.
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