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This is a sponsored post by Bloggin’ Mamas and AncestryDNA, but my opinions are all my own.
If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I sincerely feel that the secret to telling a great story is living one. I’ve always had a bit of a wild streak—determined to do, see, and be #allthethings.
I’ll never forget waking up late one Saturday morning and checking my email from bed. I groggily scrolled through the subject lines on my phone when I noticed I had a new message on one of the DNA testing sites I submitted my DNA to.
I clicked on the email to expand it and my heart leapt from my chest as I read it:
“Hello Katherine, I’m on here hoping to find my birth father. You’re the closest relative this site has found. Do you perhaps have an uncle named Doug? That’s all my birth mom seems to remember about him. Thanks for your time!”
I raced to grab my laptop so I could respond. My hands trembled. I could hardly reply fast enough. I told him that Doug is actually my half-brother and that I know exactly who he is.
You see, I got into genealogy many years ago when my dad told me I have another nephew somewhere out there. I traced our family tree back to the 1500’s, and even discovered we’re related to a famous theologian from the Isle of Man. Ironically, just a few weeks before that discovery I had studied the theologian in my textbooks during seminary.
There was an AncestryDNA sale, so I gave my DNA to Ancestry.com. Praying that someday I’d get to make a connection with my long-lost nephew, I became obsessed with reading the stories in Facebook groups about the victories and heartbreaks made through DNA discoveries. I even posted in one of the groups about how I wish I could have an unknown relative reach out to me someday and how I’d welcome them with open arms.
Little did I know that I’d have that turn less than a year later. Within an hour of my nephew messaging me, I had him and my brother on the phone together. And another month later, I got to meet him in person for the first time.

None of this would be possible without the power of DNA. I invite you to discovery your family’s history. Right now, save $40 until 8/26/19 with AncestryDNA—originally $99 but now just $59.
Save $40 now with the AncestryDNA sale

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