The world of sports is filled with inspirational female athletes. These women have traveled the world and achieved their dreams. They’ve made a very successful career out of their favorite sport. They ... READ the POST
Influencer Compensation: How Much to Charge
I've been in content marketing for over two decades now, long before being an influencer was even a thing, so I know a thing or two about influencer compensation. I had my first e-zine in middle ... READ the POST
20 Breathtaking Turkey Pictures To Inspire A Visit
Turkey pictures: a feast for the eyes and a trip for the soul. Landing in Istanbul, I felt like I stepped into a completely different world: unknown, yet familiar. It was very reminiscent of the ... READ the POST
5 Things to See and Do in Chicago
Oh, Chicago, home to the world-famous Cloud Gate, deep-dish pizza, hot dogs, and so much more. If you haven’t been there yet, make it a destination to go visit, whether you’re waiting for the pandemic ... READ the POST
The Ultimate Lifestyle & Travel Gift Guide for Females
If you've got someone who's travel-obsessed on your gift-giving list this year, you might be wondering what you should get them considering we're in the middle of a pandemic and they can't really ... READ the POST
3 Ways to Get Paid to Travel Around the World
Traveling is typically pretty expensive—it’s the main reason that most people don’t do it more often. However, what if there was a way that you could actually get paid to travel? If you’re a ... READ the POST