Why Every Worker Needs a Yearly Vacation Unlike every other developed country in the world, in the United States, there is no mandated number of days off for employees. In fact, approximately ... READ the POST
How to Spend a Weekend in Chicago
This is a sponsored blog post, but my love for Chicago is all my own! I live about five hours from Chicago, so it's my go-to big city if we want to get away for a weekend. There is so much to do and ... READ the POST
100 Epic Bucket List Adventures
The secret to telling a great story? Living one. I've had so many incredible experiences in my short time on this planet - but I have SO many more things I'd love to do before my time is done! ... READ the POST
Top 5 Family-Friendly Places to Visit in Colorado Springs
This blog post is sponsored by the Colorado Springs CVB, but my love for Colorado is all my own. It’s no secret that Colorado Springs is one of the world’s most breathtaking destinations…but it’s ... READ the POST
1: Coping with Fear in Life and Business
Episode 1: Coping with Fear in Life and Business Fear can be crippling. It costs us time, money, freedom, and our dreams. Here's how I conquer fear so that I can achieve anything I want in ... READ the POST
Hideous to Epic: Fixer Upper Flooring Makeover
This post uses affiliate links. Good bones, I told my husband as he side eyed me...watching me trace my fingers along the basement staircase wall where the railing used to be, judging from the trio ... READ the POST