Au Revoir, Summer. You've been good to me. In August, we were so blessed to get to drive out to Oregon to see my mom and sisters. I made that trip many times with my dad as a child. It was so ... READ the POST
Why You Need to Have the “Talk” with Your Children
I remember when I was pregnant with my second, my oldest and I had a conversation that had caught me off-guard. She was sitting on my lap, patting my belly when she said, "Mommy, where do babies come ... READ the POST
Healing a Marriage
Last month, I talked to you about courtship. Today, many couples know each other for a short period of time before moving in together. Statistically speaking, couples who live together prior to ... READ the POST
Old Fashioned
I can't help but think about how different my life would have been had my parents taught me about courting and chivalry. Of course they wanted the best for me, but perhaps I would have spent less time ... READ the POST
21 Day Fix Approved Nachos
On the 21 Day Fix you get to eat lots and lots of YUMMY meals. Often at the end of the day, I'm left with more containers than I can eat. Here is a delicious fix that allows you to use up some of ... READ the POST
Let Kids Be Kids
I remember the days of having a clean house. My laundry was always neatly folded in the drawers. My closet was arranged by color and all the hangers faced the same way. Books were neatly organized on ... READ the POST