What do you do when there's a snow storm during your annual Christmas party? The show must go on! All of our guests couldn't make it - we got about five inches of snow the day of our Christmas party ... READ the POST
19 Winter Outdoor Activities the Entire Family Will Love
Living in the Midwest for most of my life, I've come to understand that life doesn't just stop when it's snowing, or even if it's 20 below. We're supposed to get slammed with snow this weekend, but ... READ the POST
Homemade Cottage Cheese
Once upon a time I had a satellite dish. Shocking, I know. I attribute part of my previous weight gain to watching hours of the Food Network. I was subscribed to countless food magazines, everything ... READ the POST
Ten Things They Never Told You About Parenting in the First Year
This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. I received complimentary products to facilitate my ... READ the POST
Two-Day Getaway in Springfield, MO – Day 2
If you missed Day 1 of our Two-Day Getaway in Springfield, MO, be sure to check it out! Day 2 - Springfield, MO We got up extra early to have breakfast in our hotel room so we could get to the zoo ... READ the POST
Two-Day Getaway in Springfield, MO
When I was little, my family would drive all over North America for vacations. Some of my favorite memories happened a little closer to home, though. There's nothing better than exploring the rich ... READ the POST