I've been so blessed to do an incredible amount of traveling this year - some for pleasure, some for business. My last trip I took had me in Los Angeles at LA Live for BlogHer16. BlogHer16 is a ... READ the POST
How to Create an Emergency Car Kit
As a mother of three, I have a responsibility to ensure that my family is kept safe. This also means keeping myself safe if something were to happen if I am away from home. One of the easiest ways I ... READ the POST
Best Ways to Soothe a Baby
Just after I had my first baby, I was in the middle of raising her while I was nearly a baby myself [at 18]. I was completely unaware that there were alternative options to letting babies "cry it ... READ the POST
Fun Outdoor Fitness Challenge in Indiana
There's something to be said about getting outside, having fun, and killin' a workout while you're at it. While I love my home fitness programs, the key to long-lasting results is to make fitness a ... READ the POST
A Mother’s Worst Nightmare : Airman’s Toddler Murdered While Deployed
I've thought about writing this story so many times - always falling short of the justice Evan J. Dudley and Nikki Dudley deserve. Forgive me if I am unable to fully articulate the injustice done. I ... READ the POST
50+Insanely Delicious Strawberry Recipe Roundup
Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits! They're not only delicious, but you can do SO many things with them! Today I'm sharing some of my favorite recipes from other bloggers. There are some basic ... READ the POST