Productivity. I get asked all the time, "How do you do it all?" My response is often, "Well, who's going to do it for me?" I have found myself saying this a LOT! I'm working on my PhD, I work ... READ the POST
These Waffles Will Ruin Your Life {In the Best Way Possible}
Waffles. I don't like 'em. I don't know why, but they've never really interested me. The only waffles I have eaten were nasty. If I don't like something, I'm not swallowing it. I usually spit ... READ the POST
Get More Protein in Your Day with This Yummy Oatmeal
Once upon a time, I ate oatmeal every single morning As someone who's lost 123 lbs...I know a thing or two about food. And nutrition. And losing weight. Maintaining weight. Gaining ... READ the POST
The Day My Children Watched Me Try to Kill Myself
trigger warning: suicide/death/depression/PTSD There's a lot of stigma attached to mental illness. It was something I never liked to talk about, and still don't. It's taboo. People look at me and ... READ the POST
10 Books All Girl Bosses Need to Get, NOW!
Personal development books have helped me get through some of the darkest times in my life. From a suicide attempt, to a divorce, death of my dad, imprisonment of a close family member, depression, ... READ the POST
11 Things You Must Do at Your Next Blogging Conference
I just returned from my very first blogging conference - the Everything Food Conference was over-the-top! Considering it was their first ever conference, hosts Kami and Sabrina didn't just raise the ... READ the POST