People ask me all the time where I'm from. Even if the person I'm asking lives 20 minutes from me, I have to specify Denver, IOWA. Not the mile high...the mile WIDE. Literally. We have a population ... READ the POST
Always Expect the Unexpected
This June will be my second Father's Day without my dad. I often meet people who offer their condolences when the subject of parents are brought up. Many didn't have the privilege of knowing this ... READ the POST
How to Recognize Your Team
Have you ever felt under-appreciated or under-recognized by your boss? Whether you work for a multi-national corporation or you have your own network marketing business - it's important to recognize ... READ the POST
3 Reasons to Choose Organic
Many of you probably think, "Yeah, I should probably buy organic....but this non-organic product is cheaper..." How do I know this? Because I've been there! I've done that! I've SAID that! So why ... READ the POST
Eating Healthy on Road Trips
Au Revoir, Summer. You've been good to me. In August, we were so blessed to get to drive out to Oregon to see my mom and sisters. I made that trip many times with my dad as a child. It was so ... READ the POST
Why You Need to Have the “Talk” with Your Children
I remember when I was pregnant with my second, my oldest and I had a conversation that had caught me off-guard. She was sitting on my lap, patting my belly when she said, "Mommy, where do babies come ... READ the POST