Our homes have a considerable influence over the way we feel. A home has the power to depress you and cause you an undue amount of stress. A home can also inspire you and be a place to relax and enjoy ... READ the POST
Garden Water Features You Need In Your Yard
When it comes to creating a garden that’s more relaxing, that offers better sound privacy or one that might even be a little more friendly to your local wildlife, bringing in garden water features ... READ the POST
How to Keep a Clean House as a Working Mom
When you have so much to do, basic house chores such as cleaning can be arduous and frustrating. You might even wonder how to keep a clean house as a working mom, especially if you don't have a ... READ the POST
How to Change Up Your Diet
If you’re getting sick and tired of the same foods day in and day out, you’re not alone. Having nothing else in the house to prepare is something we all fall prey to, and that can make dinnertime ... READ the POST
History of Coffee: From bean to Cup
What about coffee makes it one of the most popular drinks in the world? Is it the caffeine content? The flavor? Or is it something else altogether? Coffee has been around for centuries, and people ... READ the POST
Figgy Couch Review: An Autism Family Perspective
As the parent of an autistic child, you know that raising a family can be a bit more challenging than most. You also know that your child is unique and deserves the best possible care. Figgy cushions ... READ the POST