According to the EPA, indoor air pollutants are two to five times higher than the outdoors. Considering that 90% of Americans spend the majority of their time indoors, many people may be breathing ... READ the POST
How to Create a Cozy Atmosphere at Home
Winter is fast approaching and many of us are looking forward to the months ahead. This is a time of year that we often group together, catching up with friends and family throughout the festive ... READ the POST
New Floor Installation: What to Know
When it comes time to new floor installation, there are many factors you need to consider. The type of flooring you choose will be based on several things, such as the climate in your area, the ... READ the POST
What you Need to Learn as a Student Driver
Before you can get on the road and gain your freedom, a student driver has to pass a test. You can’t get on the road if you are not deemed a safe driver by professionals who know how to drive, even ... READ the POST
What to Do Before Starting a Fire in a Fireplace
Lighting up a fire in the winter is one of the best ways to keep warm. It's cozy and comforting, and you can feel really lucky to have the ability to keep a fire burning in your home. But when your ... READ the POST
Am I Ready to Buy a Home?
If you are considering buying a home at some point in the near future, it is obviously going to be important to make sure that you are as ready as possible to do so. However, it is not always clear ... READ the POST