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After visiting France last year, I’ve gained a bit of an obsession with their cuisine. From Coq au vin to foie gras to chicken cordon bleu, I wanted to try it all!
The French term cordon bleu is translated as “blue ribbon”. According to Larousse Gastronomique cordon bleu “was originally a wide blue ribbon worn by members of the highest order of knighthood, L’Ordre des chevaliers du Saint-Esprit, instituted by Henri III of France in 1578.
I adapted this recipe from one I saw on AllRecipes – the honey cream sauce is what sets this recipe over-the-top. I actually submitted it many years ago to them but it’s still in review. However, somehow someone got to see the recipe there and rated it 5 stars after trying it. So I can officially say my recipe has 5 stars on AllRecipes!
[mv_create key=”3″ title=”Chicken Cordon Bleu with Honey Cream Sauce” thumbnail=”https://www.idyllicpursuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Chicken-Cordon-Bleu.png” type=”recipe”]
I’d love to know what you think. Tag me on social media! @kathyhaan on IG
Omigod. This was absolute HEAVEN.
We think so, too! Thanks for stopping by!