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This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.
My eleven year old has been asking to start blogging for months now…especially after I won a laptop and printer at BlogHer16 and gave it to her. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how I’ve partnered with WaterWipes. When I told her that we were going to have a craft party for them, she begged to help with the blog post. I agreed to let her help come up with the craft and to write the steps.
We invited over several of our friends and their toddlers for some fun crafts and goodies! Our little guy was asleep when they arrived…but was thrilled to see a bunch of his friends had come over to play!

Christian enjoying some of the party food before joining in on the fall craft.
Without further ado, here’s Kahri’s (rhymes with starry) craft:
Fall Craft Idea for Toddlers

It’s totally okay if the toddlers make a mess. They’ll love it…and when you’ve got WaterWipes around, mom will love how easy the cleanup is!
Step 1: READY THE SUPPLIES. Gather paints, bowls, and paper (preferably without lines)

Make sure you have lots of goodies to occupy the toddlers while the paint dries.

You’ll also want WaterWipes close by to wipe up any messes!
Step 2: ADD THE PAINTS. Choose any color you would like, or you can mix and make custom!

We used these little things of paint and just dipped our fingers in. Sometimes, we make messes…and that’s ok:)
Step 3: MAKE THE BASE. Have your child put their hand in the paint, down to the wrists. Press his/her hand on the paper, as this will be the trunk/branches.

We don’t worry about the mess because we’ll just use WaterWipes to clean it up. They’re chemical-free!

Alternately, you could use your foot for the trunk. Our friend Kacie demonstrates this on her son.
Step 4: LEAVES/FRUIT. Dip your child’s fingerprints in any color of paint. Again, press the painted area anywhere on the paper, for now you have done the leaves.
Step 5: GRASS/FLOWERS. Do the same thing you did in step 4, except this time, put the prints in a flower shape at the bottom.
Step 6: ENJOY!!! Now that you’re done, have fun hanging your child’s masterpiece on the wall or fridge to admire.

We also made a troll…or a tree on fire. You choose:)
What’s in WaterWipes? They are made of 99.9% Irish Water and 0.1% grapefruit seed extract. Since they don’t contain any harmful chemicals like I’d find on a competitor’s package, I feel safe wiping all the gunk off the toddler’s faces and hands! These are super durable and made for quick cleanup of the paint we spilled!

We spilled the paint…but that’s okay! It’ll clean up quickly with WaterWipes.

Thanks WaterWipes for inspiring this fall craft post!
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Kahri & Kathy
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