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There’s something to be said about getting outside, having fun, and killin’ a workout while you’re at it. While I love my home fitness programs, the key to long-lasting results is to make fitness a natural part of your day. Instead of spending your evenings on the couch as a family, why not get outside?
Outdoor Fitness
Did you know that some seemingly fun and easy things we do outside can burn a TON of calories?!
For example:
- Paintballing, you burn about 420 calories per hour! If you spend a full day paintballing (from 10 am to 5 pm, for example), that’s almost 3,000 calories burned!
Even if you stop at Dairy Queen like we usually do to treat ourselves afterwards, you’ll still come out ahead!
There’s a really cool paintball place in Hobart, IN I want to check out. It’s called Blastcamp, and it’s on an old Army base that’s now 28 acre of bunkers, trenches, and buildings. It’s a perfect way to get together the family or a bunch of friends for a weekend to get in an outdoor workout.
- Volleyball on the beach! Indiana has a lot of beaches along Lake Michigan where you can bump, set, and spike! {okay. Sorry. I was team captain in Middle School – I couldn’t resist!).
- Climbing Walls are a great way for the whole family to get some outdoor fitness in. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure that my toddler is the next great climber. I’m always finding him climbing things he shouldn’t. Take your family to Rogers Lakewood Park and use their climbing wall.
- Hiking can take you to some pretty incredible views. Hiking isn’t always easy, but it’s almost always worth it {unless of course you fall and break something}. You can do the 3 Dunes Challenge and make it a game! You start at the Nature Center at Indiana Dunes State Park in Chesterton. Hike a specially marked 1.5 mile course, climbing Mount Jackson (elevation 176 feet), Mount Holden (184 feet), and Mount Tom (elevation 192 feet). Some parts of the trail feature 40-degree slopes, making each step that much more, well, challenging.
What are some of your favorite ways to tackle outdoor fitness? I’d love to hear them below!
Love to take my dog on walks to different places so it’s not a boring walk all the time.
That’s a great idea!