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As your child grows, different responsibilities come along, especially finishing assignments. Whether it’s preparing for homeschooling or back-to-school season, in cases where your child is struggling, some tricks might be what your child needs to make learning better. Here’s how you can help kids learn.

help kids learn with these 8 tricks
Use highlighters
You can help kids learn writing with a highlighter by either highlighting the lines to start writing on or making some tracing letters. It will help your kid see your written notes and their letters.
Magic letter printing literacy activity
These skills are more than reading and learning since they include how a child understands and interprets reading and writing skills. It can take time for your child to develop the skills, and in most cases, the skills get used in preschool. For example, you can use crayon wax to introduce your child to the first letter.
While preparing for school, you can tell your child to make a thick loom bracelet band. Your child will learn through pattern making, which will help later with math. Also, you can use the chore bracelet for your kid’s learning. If your kid is forgetful, this bracelet can help with task tracking daily or weekly. You may be going out and want your kid to remember homework or take a bath; then you can add it to the bracelet and then staple it on. After a task gets done, your kid can rip off the slip.
Put a game board
With the help of sidewalk chalks, it’s easy to add some vocabulary or spelling or some math facts to the board. Or, you can opt to draw the eye of a bull and make sure you target on the pavement, then later put some words in the rings. Then, let your kid bounce a ball to the target.
Pencil fidgets
They are fantastic, and you can bring some pencils and put a set of fidgets on the top. Your kid will learn through differentiating and telling which pencil is theirs, and the kid will learn from this because there will be something to keep the fingers occupied, as maybe the teacher is talking.
Use color coding
It can inspire your kid, especially girls who like pretty and bright colors. It is helpful for the boys too. It can help your child distinguish ideas and concepts and support mathematical thinking because your child’s thinking will be organized and made visible through the different colors that will be used.
Food and Drink
Your kid may have a hard time focusing when hungry. You need to give your child good food and some drinking materials to make studying easier. After eating and drinking well, it’s easier for your child to concentrate since they will avoid getting up every time because of hunger.
Learn with your kid in the kitchen
The kitchen can help in real-life learning. For example, your kid can practice reading the packages in the kitchen or writing down the family members’ orders. Also, the kids can use the fractions knowledge in following a recipe or be in charge of equally dividing bread to the family members.
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