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We hear so much about curb appeal in the context of selling up that we can often overlook the key elements of a home’s exterior that we need to prioritize. Lots of people, when they are in the process of selling up, focus on the aesthetics and making their home look pretty, but there is much more than meets the eye. Here are some of the most vital elements that you need to focus on, whether you are selling your home or not:

Siding and Weatherproofing
We should never forget the impacts of poor siding and weatherproofing. Water damage can occur when these two elements are not in place. We should always seal any cracks or gaps to prevent water, wind, or pests from infiltrating, and this is where a siding contractor, Refined Exteriors, as well as many other contractors, can help to install and maintain this critical waterproofing barrier. Whether you are selling up or not, waterproofing takes a lot of your anxieties away, especially when the weather starts to turn after the glorious summer months.
Roof and Gutters
If your guttering is not clear of debris, this can result in water damage due to overspill. A regular inspection of the gutters and downspouts, as well as looking at the roof to see if there are any issues with the shingles, tiles, or flashing, will ensure that everything is secure. A rogue tile that comes off the roof during a storm has the potential to cause a lot more damage than you think! It’s also worth remembering that at wind speeds of 30 to 40 miles per hour if there are any trees or branches around your home, small branches can break and potentially damage roof tiles. When you look after your roofing, you are ensuring you are protecting your home.
Landscaping and Outdoor Items
It’s essential that we remove any dead trees that could fall on the home, but we also have to address the concept of landscaping in a far more holistic manner than we think. Landscaping is not just a way to make your home look pretty, but it can also deter burglars and thieves because thick bushes or overgrown vegetation could obscure the view of a property. Additionally, strategically placed plants and trees can eliminate hiding spots and create clear sight lines around the property. Outdoor items should also be secured, just in case there’s a major storm that can lift up patio furniture and cause damage to it and the property.
Insulation and Energy Efficiency
While insulation is critical to the interior of the home, you may look at something like greenhouse elements, for example, transparent roofing, that can improve your energy efficiency. Transparent roofing provides superior thermal insulation while also allowing natural daylight to penetrate living spaces and reduce the dreaded “greenhouse effect.”
By prioritizing these key exterior elements, any homeowner can protect their home from the damaging effects of weather as well as reap the benefits in many other ways. Whether you are selling up or not, there is a lot that you can do to your home.
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