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No matter the time of year, adverse climate conditions can wreak havoc on your home. Spring can bring lightning storms, winter can freeze your pipes, and Summer can cause just as much damage. Therefore, home weatherization becomes essential during every part of the year.

Home Weatherization Tips
Take Care of Your Roof
Roofs, gutters, and downspouts are all part of the drainage system. Drainage pipes and gutters run smoothly because of an angled roof. But your roof, just like any other important part of your house, can be damaged and cause problems if it is not inspected. Also, the cost of heating your home will increase if your roof has gaps or damage. Further, you’ll have a leaky roof if you leave it untreated. Finally, suppose a roofing company does not repair or maintain your structure. In that case, it might collapse during a spring storm or under the weight of winter snow.
Keep the Heat In
Because of economic concerns and the war in Ukraine, energy costs are set to rise significantly. Insulating your home can help you reduce energy usage. However, your house can be filled with cold air without you even realizing it. When this happens, your house will lose warmth, and fluctuating temperatures make it more likely for your family to contract a cold or flu. With draft excluders, you can efficiently insulate your home and prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping. And you can get stuffed animal ones for the kids.
Maintain Your Furnace
Naturally, you use your furnaces more often in winter because of the colder weather. But with increased usage comes a higher risk of breakdown. The stresses of heat and cold can cause your furnace to malfunction. And your pipes can burst. This can be a disaster if your furnace breaks in the middle of the cold season and you have children to bathe and keep warm. Keeping your pipes warm with insulation and leaving the heat on low will stop the water from freezing and help your furnace run more efficiently. This can also help save money by using less gas.
Remember: Hot Weather Can be as Bad as Cold
We all look forward to the Summer. When the weather gets hot, we can take a lovely beach holiday, visit pools and relax in the Sun. However, home maintenance in the Summer is just as necessary as in winter. Heat can cause many house problems, such as:
- Expanded roof shingles and tiles cause cracks.
- Heat can cause paintwork to blister and peel.
- Caulk is susceptible to weakening in higher temperatures.
- Hardwood floors can warp and buckle.
- Increased water usage can put a strain on your pipes.
It is essential to check and maintain your house just as much during hot weather as cold. Cracked roofing can cause leaks and compromise structural integrity. And a burst pipe is a disaster no matter the time of year. A weekly check of your home should help detect any issues.
Keep Nature at Bay
Seasonal weather brings issues to your yard. During Summer, it’s more pleasurable to be outside maintaining your lawn. But you might have to work harder because of the accelerated foliage growth. It only takes a few minutes to mow the lawn, remove dead leaves, and trim any excess foliage from bushes and trees. But whether it’s Winter or Summer, a garden can be dangerous for children. For example, the humble rose has sharp thorns and needs to be kept at bay from young children. And dead leaves can become slippery after a rainstorm.
Modernize Doors and Windows
Wind, draughts, and leaks can enter your home through your portals, such as windows, doors, and pet flaps. As a storm approaches, the nasty elements of incoming weather can enter your home. Fortunately, you can reduce the effects of adverse weather with home improvements. Some are minor, and others are more complex. For example, locking your pet flaps during a storm will prevent debris and cold bursts. But windows and doors require more work. You can replace old and inefficient ones with double-glazed ones to drastically reduce cold air.
Protect Your Electronics
Lightning storms are wondrous to watch from afar. But they can get close. When lightning strikes close to your home, it can be hazardous to your electrical system. In particular, electronic devices like your television and computer can be damaged or blow out. If this happens, your family could be injured. So first, switch off anything that isn’t essential. However, you can further protect your family and electricals with surge protectors. These cheap sockets provide the best defense against power spikes by diverting excess energy away from plugs.
Adverse weather is thrown at you all year round. But with some home improvements and efficient maintenance, you can keep away the worst of winter. You can protect your kids by keeping a tidy lawn, and you still need to check your house during the Summer.
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