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After being curled up all winter because of the dark evenings, the days getting lighter can help get us out of a slump and move towards the more active summer months. For some of us, the coming of spring is almost synonymous with a deep clean of our homes. Letting in the fresh air where we can and putting away heavy blankets can make us feel lighter, and cleaning can be a great mood booster, as well as an excellent form of indoor exercise. We’ll discuss how to prepare your home for spring.
Why not get started with our tasks below, and look forward to the warmer days to come?
How to Prepare Your Home for Spring
Review your belongings
Winter can be a time of collecting things and just putting them in a cupboard, never to be seen again. Whether you’ve been bored in the winter evenings and have developed an online shopping habit that’s gotten a little out of hand, or you received plenty of things for Christmas, now is a good time to take it all out and assess what to keep.
If it’s not useful, beautiful, or sentimental, then consider donating it to a friend who might get better use out of it, or to charity. If it’s broken and you just haven’t bothered to take it to the dump, then now is the time. Buying new things is fine, but ideally, in a tidy home, a new item would replace an old item, rather than adding to your collection.
Clean your windows
Over the winter, you’re much more likely to have your windows closed for long periods of time. Whilst this keeps the heat in, it can also mean that condensation builds up on the window panes, and sometimes, dampness develops around your window sills.
Taking some time to properly clean your windows will not only result in them being sparkling clean and allow you to enjoy the view as spring emerges, but will also help stop mold growth. Late winter or early spring is the best time to tackle this task, as it’s actually better to clean your windows on a cloudy day, as blazing sun means that the window cleaner fluid will dry quickly, and leave unattractive streaks.
Deep clean soft fixtures and furnishings
The combination of cozy duvet days and muddy boots from winter walks can mean that the soft fixtures and furnishings in your home are often slightly neglected in the winter months. It’s also a lot harder to get items like blankets dry because of the lack of warmth, so as the seasons change, it’s the perfect time to get everything feeling fresh again.
If you can, remove and wash sofa cushion covers, and vacuum down the side of the sofa to remove any stray crumbs. If you get your vacuum cleaner out of the cupboard and it looks like it’s seen better days, then check out the latest reviews before you buy a new one, and make sure that you have the right machine for the big spring clean.
Attempt to move your furniture and use an attachment to get into all the nooks and crannies in your home to get the best result. If your carpet is looking really dirty, consider hiring a carpet cleaning machine to give it a shampoo, to really get your space smelling and feeling fresh.
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