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If you’re looking for a Mississippi road trip that’s a little off the beaten path, consider spending a weekend in the Mississippi Delta. This region is steeped in history and culture, and there’s plenty to see and do. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your Mississippi Delta weekend.
Thanks to my friends at Visit Mississippi for sponsoring this press trip.
Table of Contents
Where to Eat
Airport Grocery (Cleveland)
Hooker Grocer (Clarksdale)
Bluesberry Café (Clarksdale)
Our Grandma's House of Pancakes (Clarksdale)
Queen's Reward (Tupelo)
This family-owned meadery in Clarksdale is a must-stop for anyone who loves honey. The mead is delicious, and the staff is incredibly knowledgeable about the product. If you’re lucky, you can tour the back where they make it. If you’re like me, and want your wine to taste like koolaid, you’ll love mead. Even the “dry” stuff is good because it lacks tannins like wine has, giving it a super-smooth taste that’s even palatable for my tastebuds.
Museums + Tours + Activities
Ground Zero Blues Club (Clarksdale)
This club is co-owned by Morgan Freeman, and it’s a great place to see live music. It’s located in Clarksdale, Mississippi, and it’s a must-stop for any music fan.
When we went, we got to have a private performance by James “Super Chikan” Johnson, who is the nephew of famed Big Jack Johnson. His stories are really entertaining, and don’t forget to bring cash—a CD is $20.
Cat Head Delta Blues & Folk Art (Clarksdale)
This store in Clarksdale is a great place to find Mississippi Delta souvenirs. They sell everything from stickers to albums to CDs. If you want to know what’s happening in the Blues scene, this is the place to find out.
If you’re lucky, you’ll get to pet the resident pet. Is it a dog? Is it a cat? Only visitors will know.
Gateway to the Blues Museum (Tunica Resorts)
Grammy Museum (Cleveland)
This was by far my favorite museum I’ve ever been to, and that was the consensus of our group of travel creators, too. We could’ve easily spent hours and hours here. It’s located in Cleveland, Mississippi, and if you’re a music fan, you’ll love it. It’s interactive and fun, and you can learn about all different genres of music.
B.B. King Museum (Indianola)
Elvis Birthplace Musem (Tupelo)
Tupelo Hardware (Tupelo)
The Crossroads
Located at the intersection of Highway 49 and Highway 61, The Crossroads is a famous spot in Mississippi Delta lore. It’s said that this is where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil in exchange for musical talent. Even if you’re not a believer, it’s fun to take a picture at the crossroads.

Where to Stay
Travelers Hotel (Clarksdale)
Hotel Tupelo (Tupelo)
Looking for other travel ideas? Check out my other travel posts.
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