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Every day when I get home from work, Christian is taking his nap in the living room with Kirk. It is just the sweetest thing ever. I recently got Plumb’s new CD, Exhale, and it is on every single time I come home! “Don’t you get tired of listening to the same songs over and over and over again?” I asked Kirk. “No, it’s a really good CD!” Normally, I would just switch it off when I walk in the door so I could ask them about their day…but not today!
I was standing in the kitchen wondering what I should do with all the SCOBY hotels I have on my counter from my home-brewed Kombucha? Sometimes they get so full–I had to throw a bunch away to make room for more! Now these SCOBY’s don’t have to go to waste…
I discovered Nata after reading The Art of Fermentation, which is a candy made in the Phillipines that uses these SCOBY’s!
First, put on some music. You’re going to need all the motivation you can. In my case, I am listening to Plumb’s Exhale. There is something that just sets the pace for the entire day by listening to worship music.
All you do is take a SCOBY and cut it into little bite-sized pieces. For any of you who have ever cut an umbilical cord – it’s tough like that so you may need to use your muscles and kitchen shears. If you don’t have muscles, might I suggest my fave program right now? 🙂 (shameless plug)
Once your SCOBY is cut up, you want to put it in a sauce pan and add equal parts cane sugar (don’t try to use artificial garbage). At this point you can add things like ginger and lemon – but that’s totally optional. Cook on medium, stirring constantly until the sugar boils. Once the sugar is fully liquid or at 244 degrees, turn the stove off.
Let it cool slightly, and then place the pieces in a dehydrator. It should take 8-12 hours depending on your individual dehydrator.
Boom. Delicious. And, you can justify all the candy because it’s full of yummy probiotics;)
I would love to share Plumb’s new CD with you below. But first,
About PLUMB:

EXHALE, the seventh studio album from acclaimed multi-genre singer, songwriter and author PLUMB, expresses a new focus and vision. After the runaway success of NEED YOU NOW (the album, title track and book), which coincided with her own moving story of brokenness and ultimately healing, Exhale brims with worshipful songs of gratitude and hope.The defining concept of EXHALE was born from a sermon at Plumb’s home church, wherein her pastor Pete Wilson expressed the notion that the Church doesn’t exist for itself. Rather, believers come to church to breathe in grace and truth, be changed, and then go out and “exhale” that hope into their surrounding community.“That idea of exhaling hope hit me right away and I couldn’t get to the Notes section on my phone fast enough. I started writing the chorus of Exhale right then and there,” explains Plumb. “I have been made new by the ultimate hope, and I want to share and exhale that hope in everyway I can.”
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