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Most of us don’t know how strong we are until we face challenges in life. And while we’re going through difficult life experiences, it might not feel like we’re being particularly strong or brave, but when we look back, we realize just how proud of ourselves we should be. Here are some situations you might come up against in life that will open your mind, push you to your limits, and show you what you’re really made of.

Life Experiences
Having children
For most, having children is one of the very best experiences in life. But it’s also one of the most challenging. It’s something that will turn your life as you know it upside down. Somehow you’ll get through the postpartum haze, the colic screaming, the tantrum days, and look back and be amazed at just how well you handled every hurdle. Even if it didn’t feel you were doing the best job in the moment, hindsight will show you that you really did. And, you’ll reveal the person you are, as well as step up and grow to be the parent your children need.
Dealing with loss or failure
No matter how sheltered you are, or how much you wrap yourself up in cotton wool, all of us experience loss, failure or rejection in our lifetime and it can be heartbreaking. In that moment, it’s difficult to understand. Many people state how they feel like their world has shattered and cannot find their way out of a dark place. But eventually, you will. Each day that passes either helps to heal us or accommodates space in our hearts and minds to deal with the situation better. With grief, sometimes it will never fully go away, but we still find a way through each day and that’s something to be really proud of. As sad and upsetting as these times are, they truly show us what we’re made of.
Living independently
Finally, living independently is another life experience that will show you how tough and capable you are. Whether it’s moving out of your parent’s house for the first time or going it alone after a relationship breakdown, being responsible for yourself, running a home, dealing with your own finances and everything else that comes along with independent living can be difficult at first. Maybe you’ve even done some long distance moving and are living in a place where you don’t have your support network a stone’s throw away. Over time, you’ll adjust, things will get easier and you’ll be surprised and just how capable you can be without help from anyone else.
It can be really freeing and empowering to know that you’re able to deal with challenging situations and get through just about any life experiences. When other smaller challenges arise in life, you tackle them easier, knowing that you’ve survived worse!
What life experiences have you had which have allowed you to see how strong you really are?
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