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The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to start planning your resolutions to become a better person and create a better life. Unfortunately, most people give up their New Year resolution on February 1st. If you’re determined to see more sustained results in 2022, the key is to put the right plans in place. Here’s how:

Sticking to your New Year Resolution:
Control the controllable
The first mistake that many people make revolves around focusing on issues that are beyond their control.
You can’t force employers to give you a raise, but you can invest in yourself to become the best candidate. You can’t suddenly live in a mansion, but you can declutter and change the layout to make the available space work harder. You can’t dictate what people think about you, but you can alter the way you feel about yourself.
Ultimately, if you focus on things beyond your control, it’s likely that you’ll dwell on the negatives. In turn, this can encourage you to abandon whatever successes you’ve had too.
Focus on progress, not resistance
Perhaps the biggest mistake people make is that they build new year’s resolutions that focus on the “I won’t”. Instead, it is far better to think about the “I will”.
If you focus on avoiding bad habits, you may not necessarily build good ones. Prioritizing ideas like getting fit rather than eating under 1,200 calories per day is far healthier. Half marathon training helps you count down to a goal. Conversely, when you quit chocolate, for example, there is no end goal. The figure just increases.
Quitting something permanently, like cigarettes, is a little different. However, if planning to drop something temporarily, it’s smarter to focus on forming a new positive habit instead.
Be personal to your needs
There is a long list of commonly selected new year’s resolutions. While it is a good starting point for inspiration, don’t forget to focus on yourself.
Following a resolution simply because other people do will set you up for failure. Take this moment to think about what you actually want and work towards it. If you want to find love, finding outlets that work for you, like phone chats in Spanish will work wonders. Or if you’re keen to progress your career, look at courses to help make it happen.
When you actually want to achieve the goals set in your new year’s resolution plans, your hopes of success will be far greater.
Establish a sense of balance
Last but not least, you must avoid letting a new year’s resolution dominate your life. It is important, but it cannot ruin other aspects of your life.
If you want to save money, for example, you can do this with online discount finders. Likewise, you can learn to reduce the amount of money spent on luxuries or excess. Nonetheless, you should not suddenly prevent yourself from ever having a cheat as this will only lead to an immense sadness.
Ultimately, a new year resolution is a campaign to improve your life. If it does not do this in every sense of the word, it isn’t worthwhile.
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