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If your small business is investing in office space, this is an exciting time of expansion. However, even though growth is to be celebrated, you need to ensure that you are covering your bases. Here are the essentials.

Office Space Considerations
Consider Location Carefully
Make a list of what you want from your office location. Look at the prices for a city center location. Look at local demand now that in-office numbers are going back up. Ask yourself if the cost is worth the advantages you gain from this. Consider investing in space further out if you do not need to be central. Consider accessibility for your employees. Remember that people may need to cycle or use public transport.
Know Your Budget
Think carefully about how much money you have available to spend. Remember that there may be a lot of ancillary costs besides rent. Factor in energy bills, insurance, and other utilities such as phone lines and broadband. Consider renting office space in a managed building to see if you could save money. Look at sharing office space if you are unwilling or unable to commit.
Choose An Aesthetic
Ask yourself what kind of atmosphere you want to create for your business. Remember that light and space play a big role in employee happiness and productivity. Put yourself in the shoes of a visitor to your company. Think about what you want your space to say about you and your business. Look for a designer who knows your local region. Find a commercial interior designer in Austin who will understand many of the challenges and opportunities that you will be facing. Ensure that they have experience in working with business owners.
Know Your Legal Responsibilities
Find out what you will be liable for if you rent office space. Talk to the building manager about what is included in their plan and what you need to address. Find out what you need to know about fire safety and other potential hazards in the building. Talk to an attorney if you are in any way unclear about your legal liability.
Know What You Need The Space For
Think carefully about who will be in the office daily. Consider the amount of room that your employees will need. Ask yourself how much workspace you need if you are committing to a hybrid working plan. Look at more open plan ideas if you are using them for a space to meet clients. Talk to your designer about creating effective working and meeting spaces. Research local amenities if you are bringing employees in every day.
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