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It’s fairly common to find yourself stuck with nothing to do when your upcoming plans prevent you from committing yourself to anything in the near future. The small gap of time to kill that you can’t justify taking on a big task within, but without that you’re stuck sitting around and doing nothing. Well, you don’t just have to spend that time scrolling for your phone hoping for something or someone to pop up, there are much more entertaining and fun ways to spend this time – ensuring that it passes much faster, almost like you’re skipping the wait.

Time to Kill
Pick up a book
While there are many people out there who default to picking up a book when nothing else is going on, there are still plenty who aren’t really into reading. There’s nothing wrong with that, but there really is a book out there for everyone – it’s just about giving it a fair enough try until you find something that picks your fancy. A book can be read at any time, in any environment, and all you have to do is put in your bookmark whenever you want to stop. A book can be a great way to pass any amount of time, so it’s worth a try.
You might even find that after a few reading sessions, you no longer want to put it down, making it your preferred choice whenever you get a moment to continue reading!
A lot of people like to doodle whenever they’re on the phone, but when you’re waiting around is just as good as time as any. Doodling is a great way to work on your artistic skills, without any real commitment or plan. Every stroke of your pen or pencil helps you to work on your pen control, so it could be fun to see your doodles improve every time you come to start a new one.
Doodles can be anything, and if you’re don’t feel like you’re the creative type, just try doodling objects from your current environment.
Your health is something you can work on at any time in during the day, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with making the most of the spare time you have to get a short workout in. working out will always be a productive activity, so you really can’t go wrong, so long as you’re practicing properly. Even if you’ve only got a short amount of time, there are plenty of challenging exercises that will challenge you and allow you to make physical progress if you’re doing short amounts consistently.
Write down your thoughts
If you’ve had a stressful day, or you’re worried about your upcoming plans, this is a great time to get in some self-care. Write down how you’re feeling, how you felt about the day that’s already passed, and how you’re feeling about your future plans. It can really help to calm the nerves by letting your emotions out. You don’t have to show it to anyone, nor do you need to keep what you’ve written. Simply take the time to take care of your emotions and keep your feelings in check, and then you can go on about your day with a much clearer mind.
Give puzzles a go
Puzzles can come in many different forms, and they help to keep your brain active in times when you would generally be scrolling through your phone. It’s great to keep your brain on the go, and there are a lot of ways you can do that. Puzzles in the app store can be easily accessed, puzzles that you can buy from https://www.pennydellpuzzles.com/fill-ins/ if you prefer a physical option. You could even try getting a large puzzle for your home to have a go at whenever you’ve got a moment.
Check out Duolingo
Learning a language is on everyone’s to-do list at some point, but it’s quite a challenge, and unless you have the time for it — it can feel like a hopeless challenge. Well, most people do have the time, and with time to kill, you could use your downtime to start working on your learning. Apps like Duolingo provide a great way for you to learn a new language, without having to commit too much time to it. Not only that, but you have the option to recap what you’ve already learned just in case it’s been a while since you last checked in.
Tidy up
If you usually tidy up at the end of the week, or the end of the day – you’re wasting time that you could be spent relaxing. If you only have half an hour here and there, you could be spending that time keeping your living space clean, freeing up your own personal time for other things instead. You could be spending that time relaxing, so now’s the perfect time to take a chunk out of your usual cleaning time.
Get a headstart on tomorrow
We’ve all got things that we would rather do tomorrow, or things that you usually take care of daily. Why not take care of it now? You could make tomorrow easier by borrowing your time from today, and you’ll be grateful for it when you get to make use of it. Prepare ingredients for tomorrow’s dinner, get your lunch ready, fill up your car. It doesn’t have to be a huge task, but it’s something that you don’t have to think about the next day.
Try meditation
Just like writing your feelings down, meditation is another way to experience self-care, especially with time to kill. Take a moment to ground yourself and think about what you’re doing and feeling. Clear your mind and just lean into meditation for a moment. Meditation doesn’t need much time at all, and apps like Headspace are a good way to get into it. Some meditation techniques depend on your thoughts, some focus on your breathing, whichever one you prefer. After some practice, you can extend your meditation for a longer-lasting effect throughout your day.
Great tips!! Thanks for sharing!?? ??