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Late one night I was scrolling through Facebook and came across an ad that talked about how I could use media to share my message with more people. This resonated with me because while money is nice, I don’t want to just change a few lives. In fact, I want to change lives of hundreds of millions of people!
Pretty soon, I started to see more and more ads, podcasts, and social media posts from everyone, everywhere, talking about Selena Soo! Who is this woman?
Who Is Selena Soo?
Selena Soo touts having landed huge media opportunities while being an introvert, and later turned it into her career as a media and publicity strategist helping entrepreneurs all over the world do it, too.
A quick look at her bio shows side-by-side pictures of her with people I really admire in the industry – and even has a bunch of testimonials from them, too.

Her testimonials page is filled to the brim with people I wanted to get to know – I’ve been following them for years!

According to her bio and testimonials, she’s helped clients and students get featured in places like O, The Oprah Magazine, Forbes, and Inc., and land interviews on popular podcasts and national TV. Many of Selena’s clients have become industry leaders with 7-figure businesses, raving fan bases, and hundreds of thousands of followers.
Alright, so we know she’s legit. Everybody and their grandma loves Selena Soo and is promoting her program, Impacting Millions.
So, what’s Impacting Millions then?
I attended a webinar that Selena Soo put on and at the end, she pitched Impacting Millions. Impacting Millions teaches you how to connect with the media and land high-exposure opportunities.
I signed up through an affiliate and got the affiliate’s bonus and Selena Soo’s bonuses. Opting for the payment plan, I signed on for 12 payments of $297 each.
Let’s talk about where I was before Impacting Millions
On July 21, 2010, I started my health and fitness coaching business when I was close to 300 lbs. I ended up losing 123 lbs in a little over a year, and helped thousands of men and women all over North America do the same. During this time, I also helped them launch and scale their own health/fitness coaching businesses. I loved seeing their weight loss successes, and loved seeing them turn into leaders, too.

I poured my heart and soul into this business for years. It took hustle, grit, and many, many sleepless nights. I distinctly recall setting an alarm to go off every hour at the top of the hour so I could wake up and send 10 friend requests and messages to people on Facebook about health and fitness coaching. That was how I was taught, and it allowed us to stay under the Facebook radar. Every once in a while I’d lose count on my spreadsheet and would send one-too-many and go to “Facebook jail.”
Just another coach, lost in a sea of other coaches
Years and years were spent promoting someone else’s product – and as a result, I was lost in a sea of coaches doing the exact same thing I was doing. I was just another coach with the same product. Sure, I lost 123 lbs, but not a lot of people knew.
I attended all the events: driving across the country with plans of sleeping in my vehicle and my coach felt bad so she let me sleep on the floor of her luxury AirBnB. Driving to St. Louis and sharing a room with 5 other women. I didn’t eat that weekend, except for a banana that one of my roommates offered up. I had mastered the art of shoestring travel out of pure necessity. On the way home, I was literally driving on fumes, praying that I wouldn’t run out of gas. I had maybe $2.50 room on my credit cards to put gas in, and my bank accounts were all overdrawn $500+.

I was really good at what I do, but no one knew who I was.
The turning point
For a really long time, I contemplated leaving the health/fitness coaching business. I was tired of competing with other coaches for business, spamming family and strangers, and being broke. The only thing that kept me from leaving was letting down others.
I was so limited in marketing and promoting my health/fitness business because it wasn’t my product or service. I was great at business, but red tape kept me from really exceling.
Deciding that I needed to start looking out for my needs and not just those of others, I decided to stop health/fitness coaching and focused solely on what I loved: business coaching. Business came naturally to me as I already had an MBA and helped others with it when I was a health/fitness coach.
I niched down, and decided to help high achieving women all over the world launch and scale their online coaching businesses using retreats, courses, live events, 1:1 and group coaching.
About six months later, I signed up for Impacting Millions.
Within my first month in Impacting Millions, I landed my first media feature. That same week, I made more in one day than my previous six years in business combined.
Quickly after that, I landed enormous brand partnerships and media features. Here’s a sampling of them:
I then started consistently making more in one month than an entire year of my corporate finance salary!
Traveling to 21 countries in just 18 months.

I had so much success with Impacting Millions that I was invited to be a Student Mentor and affiliate the following year!
I didn’t go into the affiliate program expecting to do well because I had a relatively small list compared to the industry giants in the affiliate contest. Giving it my all, though, I ended up in 7th place – beating a lot of these industry giants!
This won me a lot of money, a dream trip to NYC for a dinner party with media publications and other influencers, plus a Mastermind Retreat in Tulum, Mexico.

Through Impacting Millions, I watched the industry leaders I admire become my friends and business partners

Do you need to live in a big city to be featured in media?
NO! Absolutely not. In fact, I live in a tiny town called Denver, Iowa – it’s around 1,400 people. 99.9% of what I do is all online.
What if I’m an introvert?
Doesn’t matter. In fact, Selena attracts a LOT of introverts because she is one, too! She’s built a 7-figure business doing this.
What’s the structure of Impacting Millions?
- 7 Training Modules
- Online Membership Area with resources, bonuses, templates, and all the Q&A recordings
- Private Facebook Community where people post media opportunities and cheer each other on
- Monthly Media Mentor Webinars to get your pitches reviewed by top media experts
Impacting Millions® is a year-long program with an investment of $2,997 or 12 payments of $297.
Module Breakdown
Released over the course of 60-days, each module is made up of short, actionable videos. The program itself though is a year – the rest is made up of monthly media mentor webinars, the private community, and contests.
Module 1: Create Your Plan to Become a Media Star
Discover media outlets that are right for you and create an action plan to score these dream opportunities, using them to attract more 1-on-1 clients, sell out your group program, or land a lucrative book deal.
Module 2: Get the Media to Fall in Love with You
Make sure that when you pitch yourself to the media, you’re seen as a credible expert. And if you think you’re not ready yet…don’t worry, I’ll take you through a deep dive process to help you figure out how to put your best foot forward.
Module 3: How to Pitch, Land, & Leverage Guest Posts
Guest posts can be an easy way to get started with publicity. Unlike print magazines that only publish 10-12 times a year and have limited pages – online publications are always looking for new content. And the returns from one guest post can be massive.
Module 4: Get Your Story on Top Podcasts
There’s a bigger opportunity than ever to share your story on a podcast and connect with tens or hundreds of thousands of people in a meaningful way that grows your business. This is one of the best ways to sell high-end services and programs.
Module 5: Secure Guest Expert Opportunities with Industry Influencers
In today’s world, influencers have their own unique platforms – membership sites, Facebook groups, premium group programs, and masterminds – where your ideal clients are hanging out. Learn how to become a guest expert on these platforms. These visibility opportunities can rapidly grow your business!
Module 6: Get Featured in Prestigious Print and Digital Magazines
If you dream of being in one of your favorite magazines, I’ll show you how! This highly coveted opportunity is an excellent way to reach the masses and give your brand a colossal boost. Getting into magazines can be competitive, so I’ll share my insider secrets to getting featured time and time again.
Module 7: Land Interviews on Popular TV Shows
Want to get the attention of millions of people, instantly? TV allows you to reach the masses and become a household name. After all, think about what happens to people when they get discovered by Oprah! Learn the dos and don’ts of being on TV, so you can make the most of this valuable opportunity.
You can see the testimonial page (with 70+ student stories!) right here.
What’s your fave thing about Impacting Millions?
At 14, I was kicked out of the house by my step-dad. This led to severe abandonment issues, and feeling like I’m never good enough and unworthy of love.
Impacting Millions has given me a community. I have made some of my best friends and business partners thanks to Selena, her team, and Impacting Millions. Hands-down, it was the best business and life decision I’ve made to date.
Ok, that’s all nice. But what about the drawbacks?
The drawbacks I have are all purely selfish. They’re the little devils sitting on my shoulder saying, don’t tell anybody about this program because they’ll be the ones to get all the opportunities!
It’s irrational, especially considering I’m a Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner and know that there are unlimited opportunities for everyone…but like I said, it’s the little devils on my shoulder who want to hoard the spotlight.

What are your bonuses?
When you sign up using my affiliate link, you get:
- 1:1 coaching call to discuss your media and content strategy
- Brand pitch templates
- Bath and beauty product basket
Please read my bonus disclaimer here.
The best Impacting Millions bonuses are live now:

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