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The Monicas of the world thrive with a task like packing, especially at the last minute. But if you’re more on the Rachel side of things, you’ll know that packing usually comes with a lot of stress and the likelihood of something going wrong.

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There’s a lot to do when moving home, which is why it’s important to get organized. That means not leaving things until the last minute. That episode of Friends is an excellent cautionary tale, so don’t follow their example, make sure you don’t leave these four things until the last minute when moving house.

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1. Asking for help
While most friends and family will be happy to volunteer to help you move, you need to give them a bit of notice! If you’re going to need help with the different aspects of moving, including packing, loading and unloading, then get your helpers onboard in advance. As soon as you’ve got a moving date, start making those calls, or risk bringing other people into your stressful moving zone. Not all of your friends will handle things like Monica!
2. Booking your movers
Movers can book up in advance, especially if you’re moving at a busy time of year. As soon as you have your moving date, get in touch with some everyday movers. Movers can save you a lot of time and energy while moving home, making it much easier to get everything done.
And remember, unless you’ve hired them to pack as well, you’ll need to have everything packed up before they arrive.
3. Decluttering your stuff
There are a lot of great reasons to declutter your stuff before you move house. Firstly, it’ll help lighten the load, meaning you won’t have to pack (and then unpack) more than you need to. It can also help you enjoy a fresh start. Start the decluttering process early on to make it much easier to pack and organize your belongings. You’ll be glad you took care of this once you’ve moved into your new place.
4. Packing and organizing your things
Packing up your belongings will always take more time than you think. If you want to avoid simply throwing your stuff into a box and dealing with it later, then it’s good to have a plan of which items will be packed together and label everything clearly. This is a simple step to take to get your things organized ready for your move, and you’ll be thankful you did when everything is ready to be unpacked in your new place.
Some last-minute moves can’t be avoided, such as after a break-up or a delay in your moving chain. But for the majority of moves, there’s no reason you can’t plan in advance! A little organization shouldn’t be underestimated, helping you avoid the stress and tension of a last-minute move situation that causes friends to argue, couples to shout, and the risk of something going wrong along the way. It might all work out in the end, but there are definitely some stress-free ways to get there instead!
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