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Maintaining your home is a big job and understanding what you need to do at different times in a year is important. If you want to make sure that your home is in tip top shape at all times you have to take matters into your own hands.

Following a strict maintenance schedule is what’s going to keep your property looking great year-round. Fortunately, it’s not that difficult to do once you know exactly what to do throughout the year. Look at these seasonal tips to get your home in tip top shape no matter what time of the year it is.
Spring Home Maintenance
Spring is a time when everything is renewed. This is the time to deal with any damage that may have been waged against your home in the winter months.
It is time to prepare your home for warmer weather during this season. There are a few things you need to do to kick start the season the right way in terms of home maintenance.
Roof Maintenance
Make sure that you are doing an inspection of your roof at all times. You can then identify any damage that was caused by the winter.
If there are any missing shingles get them repaired. You should go ahead and fix areas around vents, chimneys, and skylights. You can hire a roofing company NH to help you with these important roofing tasks.
Check Exterior Walls
Look at your exterior walls to see if there are any cracks or damages that will wear on your home’s exterior. If you find these cracks make sure that you take action to get them repaired and prevent any further holes from forming throughout the other seasons.
Check Windows and Doors
Next you need to look at your windows and doors. Be sure that you are inspecting them to ensure that there are no drafts. Drafts can be detrimental to your energy bill.
It will make your energy bill take off to new heights if you do not repair the drafts as soon as you possibly can.
Look at Landscaping
Another thing you should be paying attention to during the spring is the landscaping of your yard on the outside. Trim those trees and shrubs especially from electrical wires.
There’s a good chance that tree limbs may do some damage and that could affect the electricity inside the home. This can be very expensive to repair.
It can cause fires when they fall on electrical wires or at the very least sparks can appear.
Clean Up the Garden
Springtime is also the best time to clean up those garden beds and plant flowers or shrubs so that you can get things blooming for the summer.
Summer Home Maintenance
Summer is a great time to focus on the interior and exterior of your home as well. It’s time to dig in and take advantage of those longer days and better weather.
Check Your Heating System
This is the time where you should be looking over your heating system and getting it serviced by a professional if it needs it. Be sure to clean up those filters.
Inspect Windows and Doors
The summer season also calls for an inspection of your windows and doors as well. If things are still looking a little bit drafty then you might want to consider putting in some storm windows and doors. This will greatly improve energy efficiency.
During the summer your air conditioning is likely to be churning 24/7. The last thing you want is to have sweat dripping from your body when you are indoors. Take measures to ensure that your heating system is not just working properly but being used in the most efficient way possible.
Pest Control
During the summer months you have to think about pest control. This is when pets are creeping out of their corners and crevices and they are ready for invasion.
Make sure that you are consistently looking for signs of termites, ants and rodents. Be sure to seal up all entry points whenever possible and to get professional pest control whenever necessary.
Check Your Roof
When it comes to your roof during the summer you should always be doing inspections and repairs as well. Continue monitoring your roof for damages. Storms can whip and tear through your roof during the summer months.
Summer storms are known for being violent when they occur and they can lift shingles and send them flying through the air like airplanes. It’s a great idea to make sure that you are taking care of any damages you may notice to your roof as well as inspecting it regularly.
Autumn Maintenance
Autumn brings you some beautiful colors but it also means that you have to become a little bit more diligent about preparing for the upcoming winter months.
Everything needs to be in great shape when the temperatures begin to drop and raging storms begin rearing their ugly heads around the corner. The last thing you want is to be caught off guard.
Roof Maintenance
Make sure you’re inspecting for damages once again. If you had been diligent about inspecting for damage during the summer, you have less to worry about. Just do a double check to make sure that things are looking good for winter.
Clean Gutters
Be sure to clean out your gutters as well. You have to throw out those fallen leaves and any debris that may have developed during the summer. It’s likely that leaves will also develop during the Autumn as well so you need to be diligent about clearing things out.
Clearing out your gutters is critical because you want to make sure that water can flow freely to prevent those ice dams from making themselves comfy in your gutters during the winter.
Be sure to check on your flashing as well once again. This will help prevent any leaks from coming into your home.
Heating Systems
Make sure you go all out and have your heating serviced by a professional. Clean and replace filters if you have to in order to make sure that your furnace and boilers are working great.
The last thing you want is to be shivering and have chattering teeth during the winter because your heating system has failed you. You also don’t want it to be overworked so make sure it’s in tip top shape.
Furnaces and boilers tend to skyrocket heating bills. This can burn holes in your pockets very quickly. The heat should be in your home, not in your bank account.
Winter Home Maintenance
When winter rolls around you want to make sure you’re keeping warm and safe. These are the harshest conditions you will encounter throughout the year. You need to monitor your home and make sure it’s ready to fight back at everything the winter season can throw at it.
Roof Maintenance
Snow and ice removal is something that is essential during the winter season. If you live in an area where there is a heavy snowfall, you’re going to have to get out there, put your shoulder to the wheel and regularly remove snow and ice from your roof.
This will stop damages from occurring. Be sure to have your roof rake ready to remove everything without harming your precious shingles.
Aside from clearing up the roof you’re going to need to eyeball your roof very closely if a storm has passed. The first thing you’re going to be looking out for are those ice dams which can cause a lot of damage that can spark the need for repairs that make you have to dig deep into your pockets.
Attic Inspection
Make sure you’re taking a look at your attic as well to ensure that everything is good up there. If you see signs of leakage and moisture do not hesitate to get professional help as soon as possible.
Check Pipes
In terms of plumbing maintenance for your home during this time you need to make sure that all your pipes that are exposed have been insulated. Frozen pipes are a hassle to deal with and you can avoid this by being vigilant in your inspections.
Get Your Garage Sorted
Getting your garage sorted out is one of the best things you can do to improve your home, and make for the best home maintenance ideas. Your garage plays one of the biggest roles in helping you to achieve this, and being able to get your garage sorted is one of the key things that you have to work on. There are so many elements that play a role in helping you make the most of this, and focusing on getting garage door repair is one of the main steps that will help you with this.
When you are trying to think about some of the leading ways of being able to improve your home, there are a lot of elements you need to consider, and this is one of the most effective ways of being able to make this work for you.
Check Your Yard
During this time you have to make sure that you are looking over your yard very carefully. It’s important that you take the time to keep your driveways and your walkway clear of snow and ice. This will prevent slips and dangerous falls.
Broken bones are not something you want to deal with during the winter season. You want to be building snowmen and enjoying the upcoming holiday seasons instead. Use sand and salt to make sure that you are improving traction.
There you have it, those are some of the major things you should be looking at during all the different seasons of the year. Try to keep a list of everything that you have done so that you don’t lose track. You may also want to keep a log of upcoming maintenance events as well. Your cell phone makes it very easy for you to do this, just use your calendar to schedule maintenance events so you don’t forget.
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